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Eventy (5)
- Inspirofest - Talenti jako budoucí lídři18. března 2025 | 8:00Vítkova 151/26, Karlín, 186 00 Praha-Praha 8, Česko
- Sales MastermindPraha, Česko
Příspěvky na blogu (21)
- INTERVIEW: Darina Stehlíková from Broker Consulting
Darina Stehlíková at Sales Café s Janou The financial sector is a great opportunity for women, says Darina Stehlíková from Broker Consulting In the next episode of the Sales Café with Jana podcast, Jana welcomed Darina Stehlíková, director of Broker Point Premium in Prague. Darina shared her experience in the financial and investment sector and why this industry is a great opportunity for women. What was interesting? What are the opportunities for women in the finance and investment sector? According to Darina, this field is dynamic, diverse and offers opportunities for not only career growth but also flexibility. Women can use their communication skills, empathy and ability to build long-term relationships with clients. What challenges await them on this journey? Entering the financial sector is not always easy. Darina shared how she dealt with prejudices, why it is important to have a strong vision, and how to overcome initial uncertainty. How to build a successful career? According to Darina, the key to success is continuous education, building credibility, and patience. The podcast will provide specific tips on how to gain a foothold in this sector. And something more... Darina is not only a successful manager and financial expert - in her free time she also helps out in the hospital as an instrument technician ! How does she manage it all? And what atypical detox does she recommend that has nothing to do with food or drink? You will find out all this! Why is this topic relevant? The financial and investment sector has long been looking for new talent, and more and more women are finding exciting career opportunities in it. The growing emphasis on diversity and inclusion in business is encouraging women to enter areas that were previously considered predominantly male. At the same time, client needs are changing - financial advisors and investment specialists with empathy and strong interpersonal skills are increasingly in demand. This trend opens the door for women who want to excel in a field where communication, strategic thinking and building long-term relationships are key. You can find the Spotify version here : Listen to the Apple Podcast version here :
- INTERVIEW: Katka Pavlíčková from BGRAM
Katka Pavlíčková v Sales Café s Janou 📲 Instagram as a business tool? Before you start, set a goal, advises Katka Pavlíčková from BGRAM In the next episode of the Sales Café podcast, Jana Křížková welcomed Katka Pavlíčková, an Instagram expert from BGRAM , who helps companies and entrepreneurs use the power of this platform to grow their business. What interesting things did we learn? Katka shared her experiences and perspective on several key topics: Does Instagram make sense in business? Yes, but… Many entrepreneurs wonder whether it is worth investing time and energy in Instagram . Katka clearly says: Before you start, set a goal! Only then can you decide whether Instagram is the right channel for your type of business. Isn't it just a network for young people and influencers? Katka refutes the common myth that Instagram is only about makeup and lifestyle influencers . On the contrary, she shows how different types of businesses – from B2C to B2B – can effectively use this platform. Instagram vs. LinkedIn: What's the difference? While LinkedIn is more about professional content, Instagram is a visual network where authenticity, storytelling, and community interaction play a big role. Katka explained how the strategies differ and how to connect the two channels so that they support each other. What businesses work best on IG? Instagram is great for businesses that have something to show – whether it’s a physical product, service or personal brand. Katka shared examples where the right strategy led to great results. … and other tips to help businesses better understand whether and how to use Instagram for their growth. Why is this topic relevant? Social media is a key marketing tool today , but not every platform is right for every business . Instagram offers huge potential , but it's important to know how to use it properly. 🎧 The new episode of the Sales Café podcast is an inspiration for anyone considering Instagram as part of their marketing . Before you get started, listen to what to watch out for! You can find the Spotify version here : Listen to the Apple Podcast version here :
- Offsite, the way we like it: Work, share and a little bit of madness
Offsite is behind us and we have something to tell you again! This time we met at the Hotel Equitana and our colleagues from the Pilsen region finally appreciated the choice of location! And how did we spend our time? A morning on the wave of business and awards We started Monday with a business and marketing update. Sure, we're not a corporate company, but we want everyone to know what's going on in the company, what events we've been to, and what we're planning for next year. Then came the " Kulturak " - a tradition where we recognize humancrafters in various categories. Who was at the most peepshows? Who shares the most on the "Sharing is caring" channel? Who sold the most business? We recognized the best ones, had a laugh, and reminded ourselves that we're all in this together. Tender Game: When the whole team makes a bid After lunch, we started the Tender Game. This time, we prepared an offer for twenty-six people. We came up with a development program from A to Z, including follow-up, business impact and training solutions. In addition, we included the HPLJ (High Performance Learning Journey) in the proposal, which our colleague Bea Brosková recently certified. EOS, IT and business vision: moments of focus (or first signs of fatigue) The afternoon continued with the EOS window - how the company is managed, what are the goals, where we are moving and how we are innovating. After that came the IT window - we admit that some people were showing the first signs of fatigue after a hard day. But the business window is a reliable wake-up call - as soon as the numbers appeared, attention was back to its maximum. An evening full of laughter and mystery Then we left all the reports behind and celebrated the milestones of two great colleagues - Beuš Brosková and David Škrobánek, who have been with us for... so long that we can't even count them anymore. David wanted to play Partička and so we made his wish come true - who would have expected that a bunch of professionals would turn into a bunch of comedians so quickly! And how the day ended? That will remain a secret among the insiders. We only know that anyone who goes through the initiation ritual once will never forget it. The next day? Open space, Beer Game and best practice sharing On Tuesday, we started with the Open Space method - anyone could open a topic that was bothering them or that they wanted to move forward. So we addressed the workload of trainers, how to increase NPS, cooperation between the back office and trainers, or perhaps the style of promotion on social networks. The Beer Game was not only fun, but also a test of strategic thinking. In the afternoon, we shared best practices (and surprisingly, no fuck ups this time!). We talked about AI and its role in education, the Speed of Trust concept, the Be Leader program at Tatra Bank, and training with measurable business impact for Fresenius Kabi. It was two days of inspiration, collaboration, and great discussions. We left with a head full of ideas and we look forward to turning them into reality together.
Ostatní (31)
- Case studies | humancraft
We are proud to share our best moments, strategies and stories that have made a real impact on our clients' outcomes. Just click to dive into the world of success stories. How have we helped our clients? Case studies We are proud to share our best moments, strategies and stories that have made a real impact on our clients' outcomes. Just click to dive into the world of success stories. How have we helped our clients? Each case study is a unique story of collaboration , innovation and goal achievement . We invite you to explore these inspiring stories to discover how we can create transformational experiences and achieve great results together. 2N TELECOMMUNICATIONS Innovation - Fostering people's curiosity and developing a "learning organisation" CzechCrunch called it an inconspicuous billion-dollar player.2N TELEKOMUNIKACE is a company that has bet on modern technology and written innovation into its DNA. It relies on developing curiosity and fostering a "learning organization." How did they do it and what results did it bring? That's what we'll reveal in another look behind the scenes of our client projects. Detail případové studie FRESENIUS CABI Better Sales Results through Development When we started talking to the Fresenius Kabi leaders about developing their people, it was a nice discussion. They had the backing of a strong business need, they wanted a program that would deliver results and they were prepared to put extra energy into it. Radka in the role of HR manager and Frantisek in the role of Sales Director. And soon, other people from Fresenius Kabi also added their hand to the work, helping the project to succeed. Detail případové studie BREMBO Leadership development with tangible results The Czech branch of BREMO, the manufacturer of high-end brakes used by Formula 1 cars, among others, was not in its best form. The company's results were beyond expectations and the atmosphere among the people matched it. Can this situation be solved by developing people? Does the development program have a chance to make a difference? Detail případové studie Unlock your business potential Email us or explore our trainings. Contact Innovative training BREMBO Leadership development with tangible results The Czech branch of BREMO, the manufacturer of high-end brakes used by Formula 1 cars, among others, was not in its best form. The company's results were beyond expectations and the atmosphere among the people matched it. Can this situation be solved by developing people? Does the development program have a chance to make a difference? Detail případové studie
- Případovka - Pragolab | humancraft
Technik jako businessman? Máme výborné techniky, ale potřebuji, aby se zákazníkům lépe věnovali i po netechnické stránce, protože to hodně ovlivňuje náš byznys, řekl nám Lukáš Plaček, Sales manažer společnosti Pragolab, firmy s obratem přes 500 mil. Kč. Dokážete pomoct? Byli jsme moc rádi, že jsme mohli. Better sales results thanks to development When Fresenius Kabi leaders and I started talking about the development of their people, it was a pleasant debate. They had support in the form of a strong business need, they wanted a program that would bring results and they were ready to put extra energy into it. Radka Zachová in the role of HR manager and František Ciprys in the role of Sales director. And other people from Fresenius Kabi soon joined in and helped the project succeed. Why development investment? What was the goal? sales and margin growth success in tenders number of customers with a broader portfolio quantity and regularity of contacts with customer management increasing awareness of the Fresenius Kabi brand What was the goal? sales and margin growth success in tenders number of customers with a broader portfolio quantity and regularity of contacts with customer management increasing awareness of the Fresenius Kabi brand The change in strategy of a company with a turnover of two billion CZK in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and eight billion EUR globally, together with a change in market conditions, had a clear conclusion: the sales team must find new ways of working to achieve new results. And what are the results? Not everything has yet been evaluated. Even the partial results we have took our breath away: Revenue growth +23% +21 % Revenue growth +23% +27 % Vyřešení situace +16 % Komunikace technika +25 % Rychlost odezvy And how did we go about it? Apart from the practical workshops and trainings, which are hugely important but do not have the power to change anything, the following things were essential for success: S Lukášem jsme se na začátku podívali na to, co z pohledu byznysu znamená úspěch programu a jaké ukazatele nám budou říkat, jestli a jaké výsledky má program v praxi. 01 Jak budeme hodnotit úspěch Popsali jsme si, co konkrétně mají technici dělat jinak, aby vzrostla spokojenost zákazníků a vybrali jsme priority. 02 Co se má změnit Jemné přeladění reportingu a procesů tak, aby očekávané změně nebránily, ale naopak jí podporovaly. 03 Jak změně pomůžeme Motivující a praktické rozvojové workshopy, které pracují jak s chutí techniků dělat svou práci trochu jinak. 04 Co lidi naučíme Workshopy zaměřené na schopnosti změnit komunikaci se zákazníky, s důrazem na empatii a efektivní vyjadřování. 05 Jak zlepšit komunikaci Průběžná podpora Lukáše jeho lidem, připomínání smyslu a očekávaného výsledku programu a někdy přísnější a jindy laskavější dohled nad tím, že technici v praxi používají, co se na workshopech naučili. 06 Jak lidi podpoříme "It's nice to see the growing self-confidence of all the participants in the development program, how their attitude changes to the I can do everything mode and how it is reflected in their results. And for this you need to have a partner who you can count on to help you exactly where you need it. For me, that partner is humancraft." František Ciprys, Sales & Commercial Director CZ, Fresenius Kabi Give us the opportunity to help your business achieve better results. I am interested in this topic
- Rozvoj s přínosem pro byznys | humancraft
Podle Brinkerhoffa a Kirkpatricka je klíčem k úspěšnému rozvoji zaměstnanců systém, který nejen navrhuje rozvojové programy, ale také měří jejich dopad na byznys. Robert O. Brinkerhoff: „Dopad tréninku se měří dle toho, co se stane po školení, nikoliv během něj.“ Development with a business benefit The best candidate is a program that responds to problems/opportunities that really burn the company's business and that put a lot of pressure on people. Choosing a program with a business benefit It goes from defining success from a perspective to describing key routines (what key people have to do for that success) to proposing what people need to learn for new routines Program design with business benefit We evaluate and present from participant satisfaction to evidence of changing routines to benefit individual, team and company goals. Program evaluation with business benefits According to Brinkerhoff and Kirkpatrick, the key to successful employee development is a system that not only designs development programs, but also measures their impact on the business. Robert O. Brinkerhoff: "The impact of training is measured by what happens after the training, not during it." Let's go into more detail What's burning the business? List the biggest business challenges to achieving company goals. Which of these pressures people the most? Prioritize challenges based on A) how much your people can influence them, B) how big of a change people need to make to meet the challenges. What development will help people succeed? Write development programs to help people prepare for and manage key challenges. Which program will bring the most benefit? Prioritize programs based on A) business benefit, B) size of target group, C) financial complexity, D) ability to achieve quick wins. 01 Choosing a program with a business benefit What does success look like from a business perspective? If the development program goes well, what will be its impact on the chosen business challenge in terms of productivity, revenue, cost and quality? Who has the most influence on solving a business challenge? Select at least a primary target group and then a group of their managers. What should the target group do differently? Describe the routines that most increase the chance of success in the selected business challenge and define priorities. How do we modify the environment to facilitate change? What adjustment to management leadership, goal setting and performance evaluation, reporting and remuneration will help the new routines take root in practice? 02 Program design with business benefit How do we know the program is working? Choose indicators of change - short-term indicators with a small share of external influences that signal either progress directly in solving the selected business challenge or changes at the level of selected routines. How to present the results of the program? Build a chain of evidence – we got these particular results because people changed their routines in this way by going through this development and this assessment. Are achievements really created by development? Compare the results with a control group that did not undergo the development program or with the period that preceded the development. 03 Program evaluation with business benefits She cooperated with us Zita Vačkařová, EON HR Business Partner We worked with humancraft on a project to change the corporate culture. It was a year-long project that was divided into several phases. The goal was to change the mindset of managers of the first management level and the company's top management, to focus on managing changes in the company both on a technical and emotional level, and to strengthen leadership. The cooperation was professional and at a high level, I appreciate the ability to immediately react to changes in the project, the ability to improvise or manage difficult situations when working in groups. Furthermore, the will to move the project forward, even though it was not always easy, to get feedback on my work, even after a while. They approached the project with enthusiasm, came up with suggestions and variants of solutions and, last but not least, excellent preparation. She cooperated with us Zita Vačkařová, EON HR Business Partner We worked with humancraft on a project to change the corporate culture. It was a year-long project that was divided into several phases. The goal was to change the mindset of managers of the first management level and the company's top management, to focus on managing changes in the company both on a technical and emotional level, and to strengthen leadership. The cooperation was professional and at a high level, I appreciate the ability to immediately react to changes in the project, the ability to improvise or manage difficult situations when working in groups. Furthermore, the will to move the project forward, even though it was not always easy, to get feedback on my work, even after a while. They approached the project with enthusiasm, came up with proposals and variants of solutions and, last but not least, excellent preparation. Why is business development important? Effective development programs that deliver measurable company results are essential to achieving the organization's strategic goals. Using Brinkerhoff and Kirkpatrick's proven methodologies, you can ensure that your training initiatives benefit the overall growth and success of your company. Contact us If you would like to find out more about how we can help your organization increase the value that HR brings to your business, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will help you implement effective systems of development and its evaluation, which will lead to the achievement of your strategic goals. Contact Innovative training