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Time & Task

It leads to setting up your own functional system for working with time, organizing tasks and meaningful prioritization.

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Time is the most valuable asset for each of us, and managing it wisely and efficiently is the most valuable skill.

Therefore, during the training, the participants will get to know a wide range of tools for managing time and prioritizing tasks, they will try out which techniques are the most beneficial for their own functioning, and directly during the training they will work with their own system, which they can improve or completely change according to the information gathered.

Resounding topics

Jak pracuji s časem a úkoly

Where to take time when I don't have time

What takes my time and what to say 'no' to

How to prioritize, plan and schedule

How to manage procrastination and distractions

Individuální akční plán pro práci s časem

GTD proces (Sesbírej. Zpracuj. Zařiď. Hodnoť. Udělej.)

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The goal of the program is not to make participants smarter, but to help them achieve better work results. Therefore, all academies have a strengthened implementation phase.

Focus on the result

The program provides participants with strong guidance from working with attitude, through building competencies to transfer new knowledge into practice and increase real performance and impact

From inspiration to action

A long-term program integrated into the education and development system connects participants across the company, and follow-up allows changes to take root.

Sustainable change

Experiential simulations, interactive parts of the program, case studies and model situations give the program juice and motivate to change attitude and routine.

Engaging program

That really appeals to me

Advantages of our academies

How the training goes


A full-day workshop that will focus on the areas that have the greatest benefit for strengthening and developing the work of your people.


We use digital platforms ZOOM, MS TEAMS, MIRO and others to increase digital enthusiasm.

We use long-term proven tools that we constantly develop and develop new ones based on. We will also use them for your development.

David Allen


BOOK. Thanks to the GTD method, hundreds of thousands of people are able to plan their work and personal time and can devote themselves fully to work, family and hobbies. Thousands of participants in courses and workshops further deepened their knowledge of the method to such an extent that they were able to introduce it to the companies where they work, and they thus became better organized and the employees more satisfied.

Leo Babauta


Babauta's absolutely minimalist system of ten simple habits to improve productivity and personal balance called Zen to done (ZTD). It can be handled much more easily than the pitfalls of other complex systems. Babauta develops the best tricks from David Allen's GTD method and Stephen Covey's habits, creating a uniquely compressed whole.

Ryder Carroll


The book is a guide to creating an effective time and task organization system. The author presents not only the Bullet Journal method itself, which combines notebooks with digital tools, but also the philosophy of how to be productive while not forgetting the meaning of what we do.

Our inspiration

Even a teacher should constantly educate, develop and inspire.

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