Lucia Balgová
Trenér, Konzultant
Something for work
Lucia got to know humancraft as a participant in the Visualization and Sketching training, which she signed up to improve her own training and recording content on a flipchart. He is currently the newest member of our team. She studied andragogy and is still convinced that it was the right choice, because the development of people is her mission and hobby at the same time. She is pleased when she contributes to improving the lives of participants not only at the workplace, but also in private life. Its heart is manufacturing companies and long-term development programs, during which a change in the thinking and behavior of the participants can be seen. (Not only) in training, she likes fun, simplicity and practicality.
Something personal
Lucia is synonymous with variety - she likes to combine colors, patterns, styles, music genres and hobbies - she chooses according to the current mood, but she is not capricious. Most of the time you will meet her smiling because she knows that everything goes easier with a smile. She likes challenges, spontaneous ideas and being herself.
Most of all, she likes to go crazy with her children, recharges her energy in nature - by walking, running, cycling or hiking. She loves dancing, which for her is both joy and self-expression in one.
1) How would you describe your work in one sentence?
I accompany people on the path of personal growth :)
2) What has influenced you in your life and how is it reflected in your work?
I am affected by my "falls", which force me to look for solutions - be it relational, family, work. I always know how to use what I need to prepare trainings for others, because that's what we all need. At the same time, motherhood and parenting changed me, which forced me to understand and rewrite dysfunctional patterns of behavior - it is a constant and lifelong process...
Overall, my approach to people and development was changed by Gallup's Clifton Strengths methodology, which opened my eyes to the beauty of the differences between people. I try to show it to others by conducting individual mentoring, where a person first gets to know himself. Subsequently, at team workshops, where I lead people to mutual understanding, tolerance and use of differences between them.
3) Why do you work for humancraft?
I found a group of people who are similar to my setup - both personally and professionally. I enjoy growing through the challenges and opportunities I receive. I appreciate the openness, humanity, drive and fun that is part of it.
4) What has been your biggest challenge in humancraft so far?
Start using AI :D I haven't mastered it yet... Besides, traveling longer distances by car - I've already found myself in that :)
5) What effect does your work have on your personal development and professional path?
I like that not only "I teach others", but also learn from the participants. Group trainings bring me a lot of knowledge and inspiration. It's interesting that I always find an answer there to something I'm dealing with in my life :) Professionally, I'm inspired by colleagues who are better at something than I am (everyone has their own "top") and I take as much as I can handle.
6) What do you think are the biggest challenges facing corporate education today and how is humancraft trying to address these challenges?
There are many, but I think the biggest challenge for people in corporates is constant change and pressure to perform. We offer a number of topics that can be helpful, at the same time we are based on modern knowledge and use modern forms of development. The diversity of us as trainers can provide clients with what they need for their people - from "back to basics" (conscious breathing) to the most modern technologies (VR training).. and that's our added value :)