Stanislav Tichý
Partner, Key Account Manager, Konzultant

Something for work
Standa joined the co-founders of the company in 2004 and, in addition to being a businessman, trainer and consultant, also played the role of Managing Director for a few years. Today, Standa at humancraft prefers to prepare and launch development programs with a tangible benefit for the business. He is also a member of the Maturity Institute, which helps companies measure and develop the intangibles of corporate culture and human capital.

Something personal
Standa is passionate about personal development (besides sports, he spent his youth in books), leadership (6 years in the international student organization AIESEC left his mark) and the use of human potential (a huge added value opportunity for business). The family, which is controlled by 3 little rogues, gives him a lot of joy and experiences.
1) How would you describe your work in one sentence?
I help companies achieve their goals better thanks to their people.
2) What has influenced you in your life and how is it reflected in your work?
Working in the student organization AIESEC - I gained enthusiasm for personal development, leadership and international cooperation.
3) Why do you work for humancraft?
We have a great product - more successful and satisfied people in companies and we have an excellent team.
4) What has been your biggest challenge in humancraft so far?
When I took over the role of Managing Director for a while and gave the company a new direction.
5) What effect does your work have on your personal development and professional path?
I am more confident that if I continue to learn, I will be able to do other things that seem far away to me now.
6) What do you think are the biggest challenges facing corporate education today and how is humancraft trying to address these challenges?
Weak connection between education and the company's strategy, a small and mostly incalculable benefit of development for business. We are happy to help those who see it the same way.