Personal productivity
and growth
Personal productivity is the basis not only for individual success, but also for the growth of the entire organization. Our trainings are focused on developing key skills such as effective time management, prioritizing tasks and the ability to focus on what brings the most value.
In which areas of productivity does human craft develop?
We help employees not only increase their personal performance, but also contribute to the achievement of the company's strategic goals . When individuals grow, so does the entire team, leading to greater competitiveness and success in the marketplace .

She cooperated with us

Adriana Bóková, pricefx
People Business Partner

When we started our first Learning and development program for employees at pricefx, we chose humancraft for cooperation. They have helped us improve our employees in communication skills, teamwork and other areas of soft skills. But the biggest success was the presentation skills training with trainer Bea Brosková, which we are happy to offer to our employees repeatedly.
Other notable clients in personal productivity

Our favorite techniques
Meaningful development requires the correct use of techniques so that, as a whole, they have maximum added value for the participant, which does not end with leaving the training room.
A-ha exercises, inspiring case studies and all-day experiential simulations. Gamification helps to get participants "into the game" and give them the desire and inspiration to work on themselves.
Mapping the preferences and competencies or strengths and growth opportunities of individuals, teams and the entire organization encourages motivation to develop and change.
Transfer into practice
Individual consultations for participants, support from their superiors, micro-learning or implementation workshops support the journey from "knowing" to "using".
A solution that people create for themselves has a much better chance of success than any well thought out and experienced advice from outside.
Personal productivity guarantors
Trainer, coach, consultant
Ondřej focuses on comprehensive personality development. Personally, he and those around him suffered a lot if he was not competent enough for some of the positions he held. With this realization, he now conducts training sessions or coaches. He is a preventionist. It emphasizes that one should be ready when one's time comes. He tries to open the eyes (head) of the participants. He uncritically believes that the only way to make everyone better off is through education and the personal development of social and self-awareness competencies. He loves his job.
Bea first joined humancraft in the role of relationship manager, but soon moved into the role of coach, facilitator and "visual recorder" thanks to her passion for personal development and visualization. He puts his heart and a lot of energy into his work, which is often contagious to everyone around him. At humancraft, he also participates in our internal development. Bea is also one of the founding members of the European professional organization associating the so-called "visual practitioners".

Resilience training (personal resistance or tenacity) supports the ability of participants to develop internal resources and thus manage difficult work and personal moments. It helps the participants to realize what makes sense to invest energy in and where, on the contrary, to save their energy. It brings a new perspective on setbacks and failures and promotes a positive and open mind set. Thanks to the techniques of building inner resilience, which the participants will try during the training, they can gain greater insight and understanding of themselves.

How to deal with change
We all sometimes struggle with the fact that some change is too big for us, that we don't want to go into it, or that we resist it with all our might. The program helps participants find out why and when resistance to change arises in us, whether and how it can be prevented or at least mitigated. Thanks to Carol Dweck's growth mindset model, participants will easily understand what change evokes in us, how we can work with it, how we can approach change, and what will help us manage it.

Growth mindset
In her research, Carol Dweck shows us that it is possible to develop our intelligence and personality through conscious work with our mindset. A fixed mindset can often protect us, however, a growth mindset develops and moves us forward, allowing us to achieve better results, worry less, and ultimately be happier and more satisfied. In this course, we look at the differences in mindset, what's behind how to "hook" your mind, and why and how to consciously practice your growth mindset - whether with yourself or with our colleagues or subordinates.

Time management
Time is the most valuable asset for each of us, and managing it wisely and efficiently is the most valuable skill. Therefore, the participants of this training will get to know a whole range of tools for time management and prioritization of tasks, they will try out which techniques are most suitable for each of them, and during the training they will work with their own time management system, which they can improve according to the newly learned information or change.

Stress management
Evolution equipped us with stress to help us survive. But time is evolving and changes are coming so fast that some mechanisms can harm us rather than help us. But if we understand how stress works, we can direct its effects in a new direction. We will deal with the changes it causes in our bodies and manage to transform the emotions that accompany these states into a source for our growth, better performance and satisfaction with ourselves.
We offer comprehensive educational academies and individual training sessions.